Thursday, August 25, 2011

Superhero Cape Sets

This is what I've been up to this summer- lots of superhero cape sets! Shiny capes with super stars or super lightning bolts...with co-ordinating masks and wrist cuffs...My Etsy store is too hard to keep up with at the moment, so I'm selling these (and lots of other fun handmades) at Sprout here in Durango. She carries children's consignment and local, handmade toys and clothes. Durangoans- come check it out! Lots of great bargains on used clothes and gear and a great way to support a local business.
Here are my two oldest modeling their superhero gear as "SUPER D" and "IKE-TASTIC." These guys are ready to save the day!

1 comment:

  1. I'm coming through next weekend -- I'm totally going to stop and buy these for my girls!
