Monday, November 22, 2010

CARS Birthday Party

This month my son turned five and had his first full blown birthday party! I have always imagined crafty parties full of handmade goodness for my kids, so you'd think I would be disappointed when he requested a Lightning McQueen party. The last thing I wanted was a cookie cutter party with a bunch of plastic, licenced junk. But the funny part is- I love CARS too! I grew up with a dad who is a "car nut" who loves all motor sports, Route 66, Paul Newman, and Steve McQueen. Disney's CARS was tailor made for him, and I can't help but appreciate all the clever stuff they put in that movie. Anyway, it was fun to put my spin on a CARS birthday and my son loved how it all turned out.
Invitations- custom tickets to the big race. I borrowed heavily from an invite I found online, but I can't find the source to post here... Decor- birthday bunting made from checkered flag scrap paper found at Hobby Lobby...
...and checkered flag bandannas, also found at Hobby Lobby... Cake- I used one of those molded cake pans (also found at Hobby Lobby.) The decorating instructions were very detailed. Thankfully I had all the decorating tips and icing colors at home already, but it took me over three hours to frost this cake. I doubt I will be making this again...
Party favors- personalized reusable CARS cups (found at Walmart) filled with homemade racing car crayons... I got the idea for these crayons from this post at homemade by jill. Aren't they awesome? You just melt down crayons and pour them into chocolate or candy molds...
She melted crayons on her stove top in tin cans. I wanted to try to use my microwave to melt them down, but after Googling the idea I opted for using a regular oven instead. It sounded much safer. I broke up crayons into metal foil baking cups then put them in a 350 degree oven. They liquefied in minutes, and then I poured them into the mold. I think they turned out super cute!

Overall I think the party was a success! Now we are anxiously awaiting the premier of CARS 2 coming in June!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Women's Shirt to Toddler Dress

A little revamp on an old shirt I don't wear anymore. I like the way the gathering at the neckline turned out, but overall it looks too baggy. It was fun to sew something without having to iron anything, though!

Weekend Sewing

Last weekend I whipped up these boxy little bags for gifts at MOPS. They seemed like a hit, so I think I'll be making some for my booth at the Christmas craft bazaar coming up. I have lots of projects in the works for this bazaar. Here's a little taste of my felt Christmas stockings...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Baby Costume

I didn't have much time to be crafty this year for Halloween, but I did sneak in some homemade goodness for my youngest. Inspired by his middle name, I made him go as Moses. Here he is sporting the Styrofoam "Ten Commandments" and a little grey felt beard that slipped over his pacifier. He was the hit of the evening!