Thursday, February 19, 2009

Superhero Cape

Here is the cape I made for I. I thought he was requesting a lighting bolt on it, so I appliqued the felt lightning bolt. When I was done he asked me where the lightning was. I pointed to the middle of the cape, "Right here, Bud." "No, Mommy! Where is the car?" He meant Lightning McQueen from the movie Cars. What can a mom do? Now my little girl wants one, too, so I'm trying to think of how to make a pretty one. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I opened an etsy shop!

I finally got something together for an etsy shop. Right now it's embroidered onesies and t-shirts for kids. Hopefully I'll add some other goodies as I have time. Let me know what you think!

Little Felt Houses

I've had these ideas for felt houses that I have been kicking around awhile. I finally started a couple, but they are taking longer than I thought. My crafting attention span is very short. Here is the valentine house... maybe I can finish it by the 14th? More to come...

Wool Bead Necklaces

Here are some necklaces with felted wool beads I made for D. They are adjustable in the back so she can pull them off herself.