Wednesday, April 23, 2008

birthday cards

Here are a couple of birthday cards I made recently. I really like the cupcake card- I had the idea in the middle of the night- to accordion fold vellum to look like a muffin liner for a cupcake. The next day I saw that exact thing in a card in a bookstore. Oh well, I guess it wasn't a late night brilliant brainstorm after all!

diaper organizer

So I finally sewed something. I set up a diaper changing station in the dining room on what used to be the "bar" (poor Matt- changing diapers here is not nearly as cool as mixing drinks) in the dining room so I wouldn't have to run upstairs every 2 minutes to change the kids pants. I've been tired of having the diapers on the floor in a Huggie's box so I dreamed up this organizer. I thought it would be a quick and easy project, but, well, are any of my projects quick and easy? Once I finally found time to actually work on it my sewing machine gave me lots of problems.. I broke 2 needles in the process and there is something wrong with my foot, but at least I don't have diapers on the floor. I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out... I'm inspired to do more sewing soon. Maybe after I get my machine fixed!